Happy New Year 2008 !
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Daily news: New Tape from Bin Laden
On the tape:
I advise those who follow the path of temptation should wash out this disgrace by repentance
This participation [in the Awakening Councils] is a great apostasy and sedition that will lead them to Hell."
"The government of Riyadh is still playing its wicked roles,"
"I would like to assure our people in Palestine that we will expand our jihad there,"
"We will not recognise even one inch for Jews in the land of Palestine as other Muslim leaders have,"
ad: gottoshave.com
Posted by
7:11 PM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Daily news: Ex-Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated today outside a large rally
Ex-Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated today outside a large rally
Benazir Bhut From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Benazir Bhutto (1953-2007 ), Pakistani political leader, who served as first female prime minister of a Muslim country, she served for Pakistan from 1988 to 1990 and from 1993 to 1996.
Born into a wealthy landholding family with a tradition of political activism in southeastern Sindh province, Bhutto enjoyed a privileged childhood
Bhutto was educated at Harvard's Radcliffe College in the United States and at the University of Oxford in England, where she excelled in studies as well as other activities including debating competitions, she was the first Asian woman to be elected president of the Oxford Union. The daughter of a intelligent and Charismatic Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (1971-1977), she returned to Pakistan in june 1977, planning on a career in the foreign service. But only two weeks later, however, military officers led by General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq , capitalizing on public protests of disputed parliamentary elections overthrew Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in a bloodless coup. Benazir Bhutto spent the next eighteen months in and out of house arrest as she struggled to rally political support to force Zia to drop fallacious murder charges against her father. The military dictator ignored worldwide appeals for clemency and had Zulfikar Bhutto hanged in April of 1979.
Bhutto's persecution began in earnest after the dismissal of her father's government in 1977 and his execution in 1979 as she intensified her denunciations of Zia and sought to organize a political movement against him. Repeatedly put under house arrest, she was finally imprisoned under solitary confinement in a desert cell in Sindh province during the summer of 1981. Bhutto described the hellish conditions in her wall less cage in "Daughter of Destiny":
"The summer heat turned my cell into an oven. My skin split and peeled, coming off my hands in sheets. Boils erupted on my face. My hair, which had always been thick, began to come out by the handful. Insects crept into the cell like invading armies. Grasshoppers, mosquitoes, stinging flies, bees and bugs came up through the cracks in the floor and through the open bars from the courtyard. Big black ants, cockroaches, seething clumps of little red ants and spiders. I tried pulling the sheet over my head at night to hide from their bites, pushing it back when it got too hot to breathe."
Released in 1984, she went into exile in Britain until 1986, when martial law was lifted in Pakistan.She returned with a huge crowd numbering in the hundreds of thousands turned out on the streets to greet her, by then the leading symbol of the anti-Zia movement, when she returned to Lahore in April of 1986. Formally elected chair in the following month, Bhutto lost no time in organising mass protests and civil disobedience campaigns to pressure Zia to relinquish office and call national elections. Bhutto's stirring oratory, familiar name, and striking appearance helped give her a strong mass appeal, but she had to struggle to wrest real power from the PPP's old-guard leadership, members of which were wary of her gender, youth, and political wisdom. Supported by tumultuous crowds, Bhutto again called for fresh elections, resulting in another short prison term that same year. She also had to contend with internal dissension among the anti-Zia forces.
In 1988 Zia was killed in an airplane crash, less than three months after announcing that elections would take place. In the November elections the PPP gained a huge popularity in the National Assembly, and in December 1988 Bhutto, 35 only became prime minister of Pakistan, the first woman to hold this office in any modern Islamic state. During her first term, Her objective was to return Pakistan to civilian rule and oust the men who executed her father, she also started Peoples Program for economic uplift of the masses. Benazir Bhutto lifted a ban on student and trade unions. The PPP. Government hosted the fourth S. A. A. R. C. Summit held in Islamabad, in December 1988.
In August 1990, however, President Ghulam Ishaq Khan dismissed her, charging her with incompetence and corruption. ,The President and the Caretaker Prime Minister filed a series of references against Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto. Her husband, Mr. Asif Ali Zardari was arrested and imprisoned for over two years on a number of up charges.
Her party was soundly defeated in the elections that followed in November 1990, and Bhutto became an opposition leader in the parliament. Subsequent attempts to oust the ruling party resulted in Bhutto’s deportation to the city of Karachi in 1992, and she was temporarily banned from entering Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan.
Addressing at UN In July 1993, the President of Pakistan dismissed the Government of Prime Minister Mian Nawaz Sharif on corruption charges and called for fresh elections. The Pakistan Peoples Party went to the people in October, 1993 with a new "Agenda for Change". The programme envisaged government at the door-step of the people and priority to the social sectors. Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto was again elected Prime Minister with a broad mandate after achieving strong popular support in all the four provinces of Pakistan .
Bhutto's platform has been leftist, including food for the hungry, health care, jobs, slum clearance and a monthly minimum wage.
She has been opposed by Islamic fundamentalists who have been suspicious of the PPP because of its alleged leftist.
Due to Benazir’s Personal world popularity, during her term Pakistan’s relation with other countries improved ,her moderate foreign policy had been credited for improving the wrong image of Pakistan around the world ,however domestically she and her party have been widely blamed for excessive corruption.
Benazir again faced trouble from the opposition. In the autumn of 1994, Nawaz Sharif led a "train march" from Karachi to Peshawar. This was followed by general strike on September 20. Two weeks later Nawaz Sharif called a "wheel jam" strike on October 11.
Bhutto was dismissed from office for the second time in late 1996. In October, large street demonstrations shut down the capital, and Bhutto aroused criticism when she had arrested several rival party leaders who had participated in the demonstrations.
Bhutto came under pressure from the press and public, who charged her government with corruption and mismanagement. On November 5, 1996, President of Pakistan Farooq Leghari dismissed Prime Minister Bhutto and dissolved the National Assembly.
Bhutto's husband, Zardari, was the focus of much of the criticism. She had appointed him to the cabinet post of investment minister. He was accused of taking bribes and pocketing money from government contracts. President Leghari also charged that Zardari was responsible for "extrajudicial killings" in Karachi, where Bhutto rivals had been killed by police.She denounced all charges as politically motivated, and went into self-imposed exile. In 2001 the Supreme Court of Pakistan suspended a high court’s 1999 conviction of Bhutto, ordering a retrial, but in a separate trial Bhutto was sentenced in absentia to three years in prison. She is currently still in self-exile in London and faces charges if she returns back.
She has been mentioned as "The world's most popular politician" in the New Guinness Book of Record 1996.
The "Times" and the "Australian Magazine" (May 4, 1996) have drawn up a list of 100 most powerful women and have included Benazir Bhutto as one of them.
She has received many honoury degrees and awards from several countries.
She also lectures and takes part in several major world events.
December 27, 2007 Pakistan's former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated
ref: http://www.famousmuslims.com/benazir%20bhutto.htm
Posted by
6:58 AM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Daily news: Most Popular Headlines News of 2007
Most Popular Headlines News of 2007:
The Subprime Lending Crisis
Bridge Collapse: Minneapolis
Southern California Wildfires
Nancy Pelosi Becomes First Woman Speaker of the House
The Death of Anna Nicole Smith
Potter-mania crested with the July 21 debut of the seventh, final book of the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Chinese-Made Toy Recall
The Virginia Tech Tragedy
Stem Cell Breakthrough
iPhone Mania
A Nuclear Six-Pack
The Imus Fallout: Who Can Say What?
The Public Invests in Blackstone Group
DaimlerChrysler Pays to Unload Chrysler
Microsoft Overpays for Facebook
News Corp. Buys Dow Jones for $5 Billion
Ad: you have to shave
Posted by
9:32 AM
Daily news: Home prices drop 6.1% through October
Latest News on housing: Home prices drop 6.1% through October.
Posted by
9:21 AM
Monday, December 24, 2007
Marry Christmas everyone.
Market has half a day today. As usual trading higher.
Last minutes shoppping done by many people. Malls are filled with customers.
No show on east coast.
yesterday we had 59 f . degree. Nice winter.
that's my spot
ad: You have to Shave? http://www.gottoshave.com/
Posted by
9:38 AM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Daily news: Can we drive our cars on Food?
Daily news: Everyone is taking about new energy for our cars. Sugar, corn, etc. But the big question i would like to ask: can we grown enough sugar and corn to produce energy for our population?
Do we have enough corn and sugar fields?.
Unfortunately no one knows the answer on this question. And how much one gallon will cost? What about weather factor?
All those questions are still not answered. What about electricity? What about stop producing SUVs , I will vote for that. Why we need to drive SUV with 10 miles per gallon? When you can get car with 30 or 50 mpg.
We are, as People of this world driving ourselves in to the huge problem in near future. And there is no way to fix it fast
Oil down small.
that's my spot
Posted by
3:31 PM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Daily news: Bush Signs Energy Bill to Boost Auto Fuel Economy
Today Daily news: President Bush Sign Energy Bill, what does it mean for our Gas prices at the pump? Nothing. No one really knows, how to fix 3.50 dollar per gallon at pump. Here and there some one make some noise, but nothing happening. There are so many great inventions sitting, and no Uncle Sam wants to invest in it.
Really, do you think there is a engine invention, that can produce more that 50 Miles per gallon instead of 20? I think BIG YES, it's just no Major Car companies are interesting to produce such cars. Why? There is a very close relationship between major Oil producing Companies and Car Companies. One hand wash another with billions and billions dollars.
Until we break that chain, we will not see any progress in energy situation. But wait, whats gonna happen in a year 2050, when oil reserve on the Earth will be equal to Zero? For some of us: who cares, but for some? Buy a Horse.
Oil is up 1.30 to 91.00
that's my spot
Posted by
8:13 AM
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Daily news: Overnight Interest Rate 4.25%
Today's daily news: Federal Reserve cut it's overnight rage by .25 % to 4.25. It is a good news for many things. Flowing mortgage rates, credit cards, leases etc.
It will be helpful, if every person will be responsible for they own finance.
Best rule: live 30% less, than you can, save at least one year of your salary. Buy things when they are on sale, best time to get a big buys : on Black Friday.
Plan your trips in advanced, ( save on gas ) .
Markets fall 2.5 % today, oil up 2 dollars.
than't my spot
Posted by
12:46 PM
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Daily news: Money Talk US Debt Clock 9,173,414,753,999 dollars
Wow, 9,173,414,753,999 , it is about 30,199.46. per person if we have population aprox. 303,760,921.
This is in Country View, but what about your personal Debt? How do you manage our own money?
As we all know, it is so difficult to put together few dollars, and so easy to spend.
Few tips on what right or not so right thing to do with your money.
1. Credit Cards, never max up your one credit card. It is always better to spread your debt in few credit cards, up to 30 % of limit on each, if possible, if not up to 50%, but not more. Why? this way it will not hurt your credit report in long run.
Best way, paid off your credit card every month, or have Debit card from your bank.
2. Mortgage, pay on time always. ( great advice!)
3. Buy or Lease New Car and Used Car.
a. Old car never lease, buy for cash or finance.
b. New Car: there is 3 ways to do it:
Lease, Finance, Cash.
Each of those choices are possible, but one of them are best and one of the are worst way to get a new car.
Best way to get a new car if you are planning to use it for over 3 years, like 5-7 years, it is to buy with cold cash ( if you have), even if you are still planning to use this car over 5-7 years and u don't have Cash, your best way will be go with lease for just 36, 39, 42, or 48 months but not to finance.
Lease will be the second best way to do it. Just remember not to overuse mileage.
The worst way to do it, is to finance your new car.
Following samples payments you will have:
Lease 500 per month
Finance: 575-600 per month,
Cash: nothing.
these samples are with 0 down.
This days new cars are getting better and better, so, it will be very possible to have car over 5 years and have no problems, unless you just got tired of it and want car with navigation system!
that's my spot.
Posted by
9:31 PM
Friday, December 7, 2007
Daily news: End fo the Week - TGIF
This was interesting week, few political news, some intersting market data, trying to save mortgage crisis, killing in the shopping mall.
Oil down 2 dollars today, to 88.31 , not bad.
Quick tip, if you are paying much for your gas bill , buy Gas companies, like PSEG, or buy Oil compaies if you don't like to pay for Gas at the pump 3.50.
Posted by
1:52 PM
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Daily news: National Crisis: Sub-prime Mortgage
WOW, Sub-prime Mortgage crisis finally got attention of President and Treasury Secretary.
The Bush administration unveiled a foreclosure relief plan Thursday that the White House said could help 1.2 million distressed homeowners.
Will it help? Don't thing, that it it will be able to help seriously. Temporary help yes, but will not fix the major problem with Sub-prime mortgage. Market will do a better job, but more painful.
Is this political move? Possible, better for Republican party? Yes. If this plan will not work in few years, who we will blame? Present party, no matter who will be Republican or Democrats.
In conclusion , its better than nothing.
On the market: oil is doing better up 2 dollar : 89.75 Prices on Pumps unchanged.
Dow and S&P are doing OK. up a 1 % on this Mortgage Breaking News from White House.
Ad: articles
Posted by
11:43 AM
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Daily news: Will Fed Cut Interest Rate ?
Few years ago, when housing market was at the top, many people with low income and bad credit, were able to apply for mortgage and buy they first home, which they can not afford. Why? Who created this possibility ? Feds? Fannie Mae? Freddy Mac? Snow ball was rolling, back then, it was cheaper to buy house, than rent, due to Interest Rate was low. As i remember, it was possible to get 1.25 Rate for 1 year (one year adjustable), after one year it jump to 5.5% rate.
But, because of this low initial rate, many buyers were able to buy house, when they can not afford.
Another side of this issues: there was so many mortgage brokers/ lenders with very great mortgage programs, which were able to get mortgage for those people with 500 Fico Score ( credit score, worst 425 , best 800). That, in my opinion, was the worst mistake.
"Why rent, if i can buy and own my American dream. "
Most of those mortgages were Adjustable Rate Mortgage. ( temporary rate, which will change after period to higher rate ).
When Adjustable Rates expired, and many homeowners got they new mortgage statement, they were shocked. For those families 200-300 hundred dollars increase were huge expense. People start loosing houses. Snow ball start rolling from the hill down.
We just talk about personal issue related with housing meltdown. But there is another side of this: Financial Institutions
Many financial institutions were buying mortgage back securities and Credit Papers related to mortgages. And when housing show ball start rolling, huge amount of mortgage and financial copanies lost millions of dollars. People dont' pay mortgage, finanacial institutions don't make money.
Well, Housing Bubble here, and it is not the same as Stock Market 2000, but it will take time to fix this issue.
Would Federal Reserve Cut rate will help? Yes and No.
It will help for cunsumer pay less interest rate on credit cards, get a better price for your next car lease. Less money to pay on those things, more money to be able to pay mortgage and other things.
that's my view.
Ad: Latest Games News
Posted by
9:08 AM
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Daily news: Nuke-less Iran remains dangerous and other news of the day
Well, today, Mr. President of United States, decided , that Iran, is not that dangerous, it's just few months ago situtation was 180 degrees opposite. Seems, that he has has great intelligence sources.
The question is, "what happen", who, when , and how decided, that its time to tell the American people and world, that we are not after Iran anymore.
Does this decision are based on future president elections? Is this move are benefiting Republican Party?
Yee, Big Question of the Day.
Onother news of the day.,
Stock market: looks like december will be very slow and quite month as always.
End of the year most of the funds and private investors are done for the year.
Being Oil 99 dollar a barrel, was not great for US economy. Right now oil 88 dollar a barrel. It big possibility, that Oil will go over 100 buck a barrle next year.
Gold, even gold trading aroud 780$, with gold being the best investment of all times, we mind see gold a 1000 per ounce in next few years. Last month gold was as hight as 850$.
Please don't max your credit cards, pay them faster.
Housing : next year are still prices will go down. at least 5 %. average.
great day. Happy to hear from anyone. this is my new way to blog. I will be very open mind with my discussions about any topics.
Posted by
9:36 AM
Monday, December 3, 2007
Daily news: Chavez fails to become "eternal president"
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has suffered a stinging defeat in a vote on constitutional changes that would have let him run for re-election indefinitely.
Voters rejected the sweeping reforms by a margin of 51% to 49% - a rebuff by the slimmest margin for a man bent on ruling for life in Venezuela.
Posted by
8:24 AM
Daily news: Putin thanks Russians for support
Russians have been praised for their responsible attitude towards voting in Sunday’s election by President Vladimir Putin. He’s also thanked them for supporting the United Russia party. It comes as international observers from the OSCE and Council of Europe claim the election was unfair.
Posted by
8:23 AM