how did we got to this point, when we have to choose from muslim black or Old grandpa to be our president? this is the most stupid election in history of US, how many terrorist country are waiting for Obama to become president, it 's a shame, that we are even got close to this situation. Just read this line: Barack Hussein Obama II , what a crap. Are we living in muslim country? NO, are we ready to black person to be our president? NO.
Unfortunately , there is not much depend on you at this election anyway. Maybe those states, who are always don't know how to vote, YES, but for major states, NO.
Good luck to all with this election and Economy.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Election Choice: BLACK OR OLD
Posted by
9:13 AM
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Gas Prices getting close to 5 bucks
Every one watch on daily basis gas stations for the gas prices. Seems, that every day it's slowly getting higher by 2 cents, 3 cents. Is there a point, when we stop driving? Probably. when gas price hit 10 bucks a gallon. I would.
I was experimenting with my car, wich has good milage 21/29, so i decided to stop driving like usualy and change my habbits to drive with very slow acceleration. So, result was very good. In the city instead of getting 21, i was able to get 28/31, and only just by driving muck slower and not having huge acceleration from the start or when i need to speed it up.
On highway also stop driving 65 and up, start drive 55 or 50, it will gives you an extra 2 miles per gallon. or 40 miles extra on gas tank. or 13% extra, or 8-9 dollars savings per tank.
slow driving and great savings.
sponsor link: Furniture NY
Posted by
9:51 PM
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Gas prices eating our money
Today, on CNBC I got shocked what i heard, in some states government decided to raise Gas taxes. Whats wrong with this people? It is knowing fact, that if you raise taxes in bad times, it only will make worst. In this crazy economy government should cut taxes and cut a lot, so people will be able to go on vacations, pay less money on travel tickets and so on. Vacation season are done. There is not many peopel will travel by planes, few by cars. Distance will be shorter and less money spend at the vacations too.
Posted by
9:33 PM
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Time to Invest?
Most of us have this question, is this a good time to invest? I would simply say "yes", and why? , becuase, investment in stock market are American way to create wealth for your retirement. Most of us, don't think about retirement time, but unfortunately, 60% percent of future retired people, will getttin half of the money, they have when they work.
Dont' put all eggs in one basket. Start investing by spending 20% of all your available funds at this moment. Give yourself a time frame, that every 3 months, invest some money in stock market. How to choose your stock? First, let's find sector with the most trouble: real estate, financial, retails. Within that sector need to find stock, which lost over 50 % value for the past 52 weeks. Ok, we found it. Now lets, buy only 20% of our available money few shares of few names. This way we are creating basket. Repead this proccess in 3 months.
Great trading
Posted by
2:44 PM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Sex Scandal won!, Governor out !
Wow, sex scandals are so powerful, that they can remove officials from the offices. If that so, we should use them as tool fight against bad politicians.
Sex Sells, and send politicians home
Posted by
11:26 AM
Monday, March 10, 2008
Postitution and Mr. Governor Spitzer
Well, well well, Mr. Governor also like to get pleasure. Instead of running NY state, he get some action on a side from his family.
Shame Mr. Governor, Shame. There is so much mess you did for NY state and City, and seems , that now you need to relax and get laid.
Posted by
9:27 PM
How Republican Party can win Election?...
The answer is very simple, Mccain has to propose MS. Rice to become first lady Vice President.
This way, it will be very powerful couple and great result can be achieved in future.
Posted by
9:25 PM
Sunday, March 9, 2008
"Al Queda would de dansing on the streeets"
Republican congressman Steve King of Iowa said Friday that Al Queda would be "dancing in the streets" if Democratic candidate Barack Obama were to win the presidency.
Lucky us, that Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. will not become president as because. Who would want in United States, that your president will be Black person with Hussein as middle name. Our country probably not ready to have woman as president eigher.
Ok, there is candidate for president with name Barack and Hussein and Obama, plus Jr. So, then who is Sr. Barack Hussein Obama?
Interesting facts, that seems that his father was married to another woman at that time? check this link, " Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. who was already married to a Kenya girl names Kezia from his local village. His grandparents and father are Muslim and Barack Hussein Obama jr. was brought up as a Muslim. "
So, what can we say about this elections? they Suck big time. Who knows how long Mccain can be president, he is 71 year old.
Clinton does not know what she talking about, inflation are sky rocking, and with democrats at the power, it will be even worst. Oil will go 200 for barrel and Gold will be 2000 ounce
We need new blood and start, young person at the power at this moment.
Posted by
9:30 AM
Friday, March 7, 2008
Recession word on everybody's lips!
$INDU 11,893.69, -145.23, -1.2%) declined 146.70 points to 11,893.69, giving it a weekly loss of 3%. Since the year began, the blue-chip index has lost more than 1,370 points, declining 10% in value.
Posted by
6:54 PM
Saturday, March 1, 2008
McCain can not be President, He was not born in USA
This is great, John Mccain was born in 1936 in Panama Canal Zone, due to his father being military person. From 1903 to 1979 the territory was controlled by the United States of America, which had built and financed the canal's construction. From 1979 to 1999 the canal itself was under joint U.S.-Panamanian control. In 1977 the Torrijos-Carter Treaties established the neutrality of the canal.
So, controlled territory by US, does mean United States Territory, even better news is, that this territory was given back to Panama.
Legally, Mccain was not born in United States, so hi can not be president. What's left? Clinton and Obama,, and we all know, who will win : Clinton.
Go Clinton, GO!
Posted by
9:17 AM
Monday, February 25, 2008
ralph nator independent president candidate
Posted by
2:33 PM
Monday, February 18, 2008
Remember this: Kosovo drug mafia supply heroin to Europe
International agencies fighting the drug trade are warning that Kosovo has become a "smugglers' paradise" supplying up to 40% of the heroin sold in Europe and North America.
Nato-led forces, struggling to keep peace in the province a year after the war, have no mandate to fight drug traffickers; and - with the expulsion from Kosovo of the Serb police, including the "4th unit" narcotics squad - the smugglers are running the "Balkan route" with complete freedom.
Maybe it is bettet, that KOSOVO is free, most of albenians in US will move back to mother land.
daily news group
furniture store nyc, furniture blog
Posted by
6:35 PM
Friday, February 15, 2008
How many more college shooting we will have?
What happen with our kids? Who makes them so angry at the people around them?
furniture store
Posted by
7:33 AM
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
We are wasting Social Security Money !
Anyone who is paying Social Security or 6.20% from your income are praying, that when they time will come, they will have something to live on it. Is that True?
Most of us, who is still working, not thinking about retirement time. How much would you get SS when you be retired? Can you live on it?
Most of the people will get they Social Security check twice smaller or less, than they job paycheck.
Maximun for 2007 limitation for SS was 97,500 in 2008 same SS limitation will be 102,000.
I got my papers from SS office, that i will be receiving SS arond 2500 a month.
If i went on retirement in 65 and assuming lived till 85 , it is 20 years, i will receive 600,000 dollars of SS money. If i worked all my life and putting SS money on a side like IRS taking from me, i would have in my savings account: 2,600,000 at my disposal (average 65 *40 years ). Then i would had over 10,000 monthly income on my retirement.
So, the question is, where 2,000,000 million dollar of my money went? To run Social Security office, to spend on crap or wars around the world.
I want to be able to control my own money and how i spend them. This country financial situation are getting worst and worst and my generation, which still working for next 35 years will probably not having Social Security at all.
We need accounant as President, not another bold politician.
Furniture Store articles
Posted by
8:24 PM
Does this right time to invest in stock market?
Seems, that stock market looks like rollercoaster. Yesterday Dow los almost 400 points, today small down -65. Is this a right time to invest? What to buy? Do I sell short any stock?
All those questions are often we asking ourselves. I would think, that rule is very simple. It is always a good time to invest money, specialy when you in for the long term. But, there is always a big BUT, we don't have to invest all your money, just invest 20 % of your total today's funds. Why? best way to in stock market, is to buy on deeps, like yesterday. Most of the stock fell 4-8 %. Yes, they possible can go lower, but that's why we keeping rest of our fund.
What to buy? I really like this phrse : diversification in diversification, meaning, buy different stocks in diferent sectors. It's def. best right now to buy beat up sectors, like real estate, retails, etc. They can go lower, but we can buy them lower and play cost averaging game.
Do you homework, buy small amount, but don't create stupid trades, like buying 1 share. Buy at least 25 shares.
Do we short sale? Most of us are positive thinkers, and always hoping for better. I would suggest not to short sale any stock.
Market goes up we gain, market goes down we buy more. Long term investment always a winner.
furniture store
Posted by
8:14 PM
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Clinton vs McCain !
Super Tuesday
Democrats: projects Clinton the winner in Massachusetts, New York, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Tennessee; Obama wins Illinois, Alabama, Georgia
Republicans: projects McCain as winner in New York, Connecticut, Illinois, Delaware and New Jersey; Romney takes Massachusetts
Clinton are projected Democratic Candidate and McCain won as candidate from Republican Party.
Head to Head, Clinton vs. McCain
furniture store
Posted by
7:00 PM
Super Tuesday, Feb 5, 2008
Voters from coast to coast are lining up to cast ballots Tuesday -- a pivotal day in the Democratic and Republican races for the White House.
With 24 states and American Samoa holding primaries or caucuses, Super Tuesday is virtually a national primary day. Some of the biggest prizes of the primary season -- California, New York, Illinois, New Jersey, Missouri and Georgia -- are up for grabs.
furniture store
Posted by
9:18 AM
Friday, February 1, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Schwarzenegger to endorse McCain
Schwarzenegger to endorse McCain
Posted by
7:36 PM
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
McCain worst than Bush to be President
Are you people crazy? You want McCain as President? He is worst than Bush million times. Old, ugly, not smart, something wroing with this face, hands, short. 71 years Old McCain will deffenetly bring our Country to the end.
Think and think hard who you vote for.
Seems , that Florida did is absolutely stupid desision to vote for McCain.
Yees, so many old people live in Florida, that's why probably he won.
Yahoo daily news group
furniture store
Posted by
7:40 PM
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Obama won South Carolina
Obama won South Carolina
sponsor: timeshare for rent furniture store
Posted by
4:49 PM
Daily news: Today's Race Soth Carolina
Today's daily news: voters rush to cast they votes in South Carolina. Big question would black population vote for Clinton or Obama. Can blacks support they own ? Would love for african americans by Clinton be enough to win South Carolina?
Vote for future! not color
Posted by
2:48 PM
Daily news : US economy bubbles !
Does anyone remember Stock market bubble 2000? Does this was so long time ago, that no one remember? How much money was lost? how many people got burned?
Now we in real estate bubble, which possible worst. But why did it happen? In both situation, there is people made millions of dollars and people lost thousands.
In stock market bubble, there is a clean speculation and when ball start rolling, there was difficulty to stop it and by the way, someone has to be the last.
In real estate market, it is difficult to say, that we got in this mess because it is speculation market. I would say no, if we did not have sub-prime mortgage crisis, we would normally adjust our real estate market with no or little pain to sellers, but not to economy.
Biggest issue with sub-prime mortgage, was not even , that interest rate was low and house prices were sky rocking, which makes this not a big difference from 5 years ago. Back then interest rate was higher but prices were lower. But law which was able to let people with not a appropriate income ability to buy house, which they can not afford.
Why would anyone make this kind of law? Who did it? Who we need to hold responsible? No one can answer up today.
Someone made tons of money, same time there is millions of families loosing they homes.
Law, which let people to buy home with 100 ltv financing, adjustable rate and shaky real estate market, all those factors makes for market crash.
So, next question is, What next? where is next bubble?
Posted by
10:48 AM
Friday, January 25, 2008
Daily News: Bush's economic stimulus plan damn idea
Well, i will be on another side of this issue. Billions of dollars are lost by ordinary people in home equity, billions of dollars lost on IRA, 401k plans, trading accounts just by market drop 2000 points from the top on Dow Average.
President Bush says stimulus package has "right set of policies"
which policies? he does not care about economy, he is out!!!!
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says 116 million Americans will get checks
how many families is that?
Agreement must pass House, Senate before checks issued
Deal would give taxpaying individuals $600, couples filing jointly $1,200, sources say
Lets calculate: 92,800,000,000 dollars will be spend aprox, if we use $800 per person.
Can you restore your equity in your home with 800 dollars? NO.
Would this help economy? NO. absolutely not, and don't tell me, that i am wrong. It did not help last time., Why this happen again? Because Bush does not care about economy.
Well, if he thinks he care about his Rep. party, then you worng. Got for bit McCain will become President. He is worst than Bush. Seems, that last 8 years, were the worst years for Republican party in many years. furniture store
McCain Wort than Bush !!!
Welcome Ms. President.
Posted by
6:49 PM
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Daily news: florida republican debate primary
Daily news: Well, based on latest polls today, on Thursday, January 24,2008 , Rudy Guiliani lost his way to win Florida. As of now, he is behind Huckabee and McCain. Seems, that what was good for New Yorkers is not enough for Florida and other states. Most of the New Yorkers like him, he did a lot good for New York, fight crime, make city better. But for others, he just regular candidate with so so program.
Would be interesting to see, what Florida primary will end tomorrow.
Posted by
7:36 PM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Daily news: Did Fed save Market today?
Daily news: Now 11:15 ESt time, and Dow is down just 50 points, which is miracle, most Dow, was down -455 points today, but this is not the end of the day. Lets see, if market can pull this off and close on smal down or even positive note.
Posted by
8:14 AM
Daily news: Fed Cut Rate by .75 to 3.5 %
Daily news: Fed Cut Rate by .75 to 3.5 % Dow futures were as low as -522 points.
ad: furniture store
Posted by
5:29 AM
Monday, January 21, 2008
Daily news: U.S. stock futures point to Market mini Crash
Today Daily news: on Monday, January 21, when market is Closed, March contracts on the Dow Jones Industrial Average traded 522 points lower to 11,584 as of 11:30 a.m. Eastern.
Futures contract don't move in complete lockstep to the underlying indexes, but by comparison, the Dow industrials fell 382 points on Sept. 20, 2001, just days after the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers, and by 387 points on Aug. 9, 2007, shortly after the recent credit crunch first emerged.
S&P 500 futures fell 60 points to 1,265.00 and Nasdaq 100 futures fell 76 points to 1,773.25.
Monday Trading in Europe:
Leading national indexes also slumped, with the French CAC-40 index ending the day down 6.8% to 4,744.45,
the German DAX 30 index down 7.2% to 6,790.19,
while the U.K. FTSE 100 index finished 5.5% lower to 5,578.20.
Asia markets:
In Hong Kong, the Hang Seng index finished down 5.5% at 23,818.86 and the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index skidded 7.1% to 13,531.45.
Japan's Nikkei slumped 3.9% to 13,436.94, its lowest finish since October 2005, while the broader Topix fell 3.6% to 1,293.74.
Timeshare for rent
Posted by
10:33 AM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Daily news: Countrywide's home loan delinquencies surge
Daily news: Countrywide's home loan delinquencies surge, stock drops another 15% today after the nation's largest mortgage lender said , that delinquency and foreclosure rate of home loans in its portfolio surged in December 2007.
CFC ( ticker) trading at 4.62 down 71 cents or 13% on a day.
Posted by
10:11 AM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Daily news: Clinton maintains narrow lead over Obama
11 pm EST Clinton maintains narrow lead over Obama
Posted by
7:49 PM
Daily news: Market Fall over 1.5% led by phone and financial companies
Today, on Tuesday market plunge 1.8% led by phone companies and still in deep trouble finanical companies. ATT was down over 4.5 %.
Big decline over 28% had Countrywide on rumer of bankcuptcy.
Gold up 19
oil up 1.50
Posted by
2:23 PM
Daily news: New Hampshire primary
New Hampshire primary Latest:
12.53 pm EST
Obama 16
Clinton 15
Edwards 14
Romney 20
Huckabee 17
Thompson 6
ad: furniture store
Posted by
9:53 AM
Daily news: Microsoft News, Gates leaving, good for Google?
Even this news was announced on June 15, 2006, most of us forgot about it. As of July 2008 Bill Gate will transition out from day to day role in the Microsoft and spend more time at this Foundation.
Mr. Ray Ozzie will assume Bill Gates role. How would it effect Microsoft? Very interesting , that price of Microsoft on that day was 22 dollars and today 34.71 .
Most of the price move for the past year and half, does not related to Gates leaving company as head of the MS.
The only company MS has to be watch out, it is Google, those guys will not stop at the search, phone, map and etc. business. They will go till the end. In my opinion, there is not far away, that we will be bying ''G-PC"- Google Personal Computer.
Posted by
9:37 AM
Friday, January 4, 2008
Daily news: Market plunge over 2 percent
Seems, that Jobs report did it's job, market closed more than 2 percent lower today and over 6 percent lower on a week.
Our economy stand on edge between inflation and recession, and Fed Reserve trying to manipulate between two. Many analyst see another 50 bps rate cut on next Fed meeting.
Would it help? Difficult to say.
Today we have many issues toll rises, milk cost more, gas so expensive, that it is better just walk.
What to do? Get a plan B, get second small job, open online small business.
Think, what else I can do in life. Because we can not do anything with prices go higher, we need to have plan B. Start think about plan B today. when you still can work and it does not bother you much. Be carefully of choosing what to do.
There is many scam artist, who are looking for people with little or no knowledge. Don't get in to the hands of "quick get rich"scams. Be wise.
Oil run away from 100 , and closed 97.91
tha't my view
Posted by
3:21 PM
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Daily news: Round One Huckabee vs Obama !
Round One Huckabee vs Obama !
Today at Iowa caucuses winners Huckabee and Obama
Posted by
7:02 PM
Daily news: Gold strike new all time highs 872 level, would oil goes 125?
Second day of the year and market giving us more presents:
Just yesterday oil touched 100 dollar mark, today we getting another record, Gold price per ounce got new all time high price 872 . Does it mean anything for economy?
This all time new high is a not that great sign for US economy and world. Weak dollar against Eur 1.4757 and Oil 100 dollar price, pushed gold to new highs.
As always, when bad times come, buy gold. Even though, if we would look at the gold price with inflation factor, we would pay 2000 dollars per ounce.
Ha ha, looks like we have bargain for now. For the future, gold possibility get 1000 per ounce is very good. And oil get to 125 we well.
And for us, as consumers? we need to save on gas, food and goods. Where we going with this economy? Till election this questions unknown.
Over all market takes side on election year, would it happen this year? we will see.
open view news.
need to shave?
Posted by
10:23 AM
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Daily news: Oil Touches $100 a Barrel on Supply Concern
Finally, Oil touched 100 dollar mark for the first time in history. It not surprise, in my previous post, i was concern , that oil will be trading 100 and above one hundred dollar for barrel.
Few economic reasons, got oil to this point:
1. Boosted by speculation U.S. stockpiles dropped to a three- year low last week.
2. Unrest in Nigeria, Africa's largest oil producer, also spurred prices.
3. Supply Concern of China's Demand
Once again many factors are creating non favorable situation for US consumers at the pupms.
Higher oil prices will increase gas prices at the pumps and less favorable for US economy, Market down 1.5%
Posted by
9:34 AM